Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I didn't have much time for updates today but things are still going pretty well.

Amanda is doing great and got all her IV ports and all removed today. She was able to get up and stretch out some and shuffle around the ward. We're hoping she'll get a pass to take a quick trip over to Egleston with me tomorrow. We're gonna work on the Dr's about that in the morning.

Baby (still choosing between 3 names) is holding pretty steady still. She is doing great overall but today was moreso in the 2:1 heartblock rhythm that we were seeing prior to the sustained tachycardia episode that landed Amanda at Northside for the haul. Still no signs of tach but we'd all love to see her back in a normal rhythm. They decided to take the lidocaine drip back up to yesterdays level and see how she responds. The good news is that her blood pressure is totally fine so despite the abnormal rhythm she is getting plenty of blood flowing from the heart.

I was able to feed her for her first feeding this morning which went well. She has had a few more feedings since then. If she continues to eat and hold it down with no issues then they will look at removing the belly button IV and start administiring mexillitine (drug Amanda took while in hospital) orally rather than the lidocaine IV. This would be especially great because that will allow us to hold her! We are unable to do so now in order to avoid dislodging that IV in the belly button. I also got to see her open her eyes today and changed a diaper as well. Overall, she is doing very well.

Attaching a couple of pics from day 2.

- Mark

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