Monday, June 14, 2010

Doing great

BGK born at 9:22. Came out crying and looked great. She is 19 inches and 5lb 12oz. We had an enormous group of dr's and nurses in the OR. We are in the NICU now stabilizing and getting tests done. More later but Amanda did awesome and all is good thus far...

- Mark
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1 comment:

  1. F-A-N-T-A-S-T-I-C!! I am praying for good news! Keep us updated! Luv u...Tell Amanda we are all very proud...can't wait to see pictures. I know how hard this has been on all of you. Amanda, my special thanks to you for taking care of yourself and the baby when you had to be miserable being bed-rdden. Luv u..

    Aunt Melinda
