Friday, June 25, 2010


A day we found hard to imagine ever coming has finally come true. We're taking Audrey home today.

- mark
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  1. Congrats!! We're so excited for you guys and wish you the best in the days to come! Welcome to the neighborhood baby Audrey!!

    Abby, TJ, and Aiden

  2. Such wonderful news! I'd not been able to have access for several days so overjoyed for you all!! And such a beautiful picture of you five. Have faith and trust your instincts - Audrey will be a happy girl being home with her mother, father, sister and brother! Best wishes. Elizabeth (Nancy's friend)

  3. I am sooo happy for you guys! I knew that this day would come. You guys are in my prayers daily, everyone here at Northside continues to ask about you (Amanda) and the baby. Andie says hi...I miss you, but I am really happy that you guys are all home together.

    Lashieka RN
