I'm sorry about the lack of updates the past few days. Our status has not really changed since my last post. On Wednesday and Thursday we saw a few blips of tachycardia for just a few seconds but not for very long at all. It wasn't enough to concern the doctors very much. The fluid levels continue to hold steady at around 8-9 cm and BGK is progressing well in size and all of the measurements.
In talking to the perinatologists they want us to make it to 36 weeks and go ahead and schedule to have her then. Saturday was the 34 week mark, so that means we finally have a finish line in sight to Amanda's hospital stay and can move on to our next challenges.
Just when we grasped the fact that there was only 2 more weeks, we went in for the Monday echo and got a little scare. The perinatologist saw more than a few seconds of tachycardia and got concerned enough to call a pediatric cardiologist to take a look. After some discussion they decided to stay the course and not take any action just yet.
Today Amanda got to leave the hospital for the first time in 28 days. We both went over to Egleston to meet with an electro-physiologist and see the CICU there. The hospital and facilities there were really nice and the doctor was extremely informative and helpful. We sat in his office and he answered question after question for an hour and a half. I thought the visit was very insightful and somewhat comforting.
Thank you all for the support.
- Mark
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